Friday, 18 November 2011

The Nutty one goes on holiday

I like to get away just before the fall starts- I find it gets me through the winter, a bit of a Vitamin D booster, if you like. So this time, it was Barcelona. I was looking forward to some good Spanish food. I went with my Mum and Dad, and between the 3 of us we managed about 6 words in Catalan, 6 words in Spanish, and we didn't know which was the difference. I generally tried speaking French, which sometimes worked.... but mostly didn't. That's right, we became THOSE people, you know, the ones that point very loudly and say English words in a Spanish accent. I hated it. I felt so powerless. Frustratingly, via some French and common sense, I could manage to understand what was going on, just not communicate anything. Anyway, back to the food: first stop, Paella. We went straight to Las Ramblas, wondered around the back streets and found a stunning little church square with little restaurants. One looked significantly busier than the other, and despite the moans of our hungry hungry tummies, we took it as a sign and waited for a table. Well, that was DEFINITELY the right decision. The mark of a good paella is a nice crusty bottom, well cooked mussels, no rubbery seafood, and some good meat. Oh My Goodness. This was a box ticker. I've since made it at home and discovered that chicken thighs and chorizo is the risk free way to go. Something to not forget: Lemon. You might think it'll be fine without it, you're wrong, it won't.

Next stop, dessert. Now when I'm on holiday I like a good ice cream, but on our walk towards the sea front we found this place. I couldn't believe the displays... firstly, if I had to make THAT many macaroons, brownies, cookies... I would not want them to be put into a big plastic tube. Those are for eating! We had some macaroons, and then I decided that 2 desserts wasn't at all excessive, so I had ice-cream too. I was, after all on holiday. I'm making macaroons next weekend so I'll let you know how they turn out
Final stop on day one - the seafront, for some Sangria, in a bar that had full size beds instead of seating booths. On our way there, we saw someone walking down the promenade wearing sandals, and nothing else. I just hope he'd never been to that bar. 
The below is a selection of fab things I saw while there, that just need to be shared:
This was on the service cart, say it out loud, you'll get it.
I didn't try this, it was in La Bouqueria, not to mention, I was with my parents. If it lived up to its name, I might have been a bit embarrassed.
These were also in La Bouqueria, and how cute are those golf balls? I bought some for my golf loving boyfriend. They were as delicious as they look.
This was an eggy exhibit (an egg-xhibit?) and the Fundacio Miro. I love eggs, I love Miro... I needed to take the photo
And these were delicious towel cakes. Yes, you read correctly. Cakes, made from towels. I would have bought one if I didn't know that the moment I took it home it would lose its form.
Anyway. I hope you enjoyed reading about a trip that inspired me to cook lots. I'll be sure to show you the Macaroons as soon as I've perfected them

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